Views: 30

Hello Shamit, below are the details for your services. Please contact me before making any payment if you require any further clarification…

Dates: Thursday April 5 – Monday April 9
Guest Count: 11ppl

 We have priced you based upon 11 Guests. If the number drops below 8 Your prices will increase by $10pp.
[$100] Wednesday: Airport Pickup 11 Guests
[$1000] Friday: ATV Adventure (Round Trip Transportation, Lunch, Full Day, 11 ATV Rentals)
[$900] Saturday: Pablo Escobar tour for 5 hours (Private Bus, Lunch, English Speaking Guide, City Tour)
[$100] Monday: Return Airport Transfer (Please send us over flight information)
Total Package Price: $2100.00

Amount Due Now: $600.00

Remaining Balance: $1,500.00 paid in cash upon arrival to the property on day 1


A non-refundable payment of $600.00 is required to secure your rate and reservation. The remaining balance of $1,950.00 is to be paid IN FULL upon arrival to the property (No funny business). No Cancellations or Refunds are allowed for any of these services however there may be options to credit other services if needed but must be approved first.

BY CLICKING on the payment link below you are agreeing to making a non-refundable deposit for these items…

Payment Terms: STRICT (NO REFUNDS)